National tourism strategy and master plan for Zambia
The European Union and Ministry of Tourism and Arts, Lusaka, Zambia
The Ministry of Tourism and Arts in Zambia was provided with financial assistance by the European Union for the preparation of a long-term National Tourism and Master Plan designed to provide a national vision for tourism comprising of physical, environmental, and economic plans for the balanced development of the sector across the country. The Plan required preparation of a long-term strategy, a financially viable 5-year short-term action plan and seven regional development plans.
Our role
A member of a three-man multi-disciplinary team preparing the National Tourism Strategy and Master Plan. We provided the economics specialist member of the team preparing long-term visitor arrival and earnings forecasts, reviewing institutional and policy frameworks including taxation and investment incentives and providing recommendations. Market strategy, infrastructure needs, training, and capacity development needs were also examined and addressed.
The Plan has been accepted and approved by the Government of Zambia and the recommendations are now in the course of implementation.